Ep#31: Welcome Back To The Empower Your Pelvis Podcast

Being mindful of your pelvic health should be a priority. It not only maintains the bladder, intestines, and reproductive organs in their proper positions but also supports the functions of bowel motions, urine, pregnancy, and delivery. But is it normal to pee in your pants at the age of 21? Do you experience pain in your pelvis during intercourse and have a diminished orgasm? Have you been to a physical therapist to help with your symptoms?

This week's Empower Your Pelvis first Podcast episode back, Dr. Amanda Fisher, DPT will talk about the Podcast’s mission which is to help you take back control of your life by supporting your pelvic health. The Empower Your Pelvis Podcast will discuss pelvic floor dysfunction, prolapse (both anterior and posterior), incontinence, bladder leakage (urinary stress incontinence), and fecal leakage (fecal incontinence); and how to strengthen your core muscles by using simple exercises that can be done anywhere and to improve your nutrition so that you can strengthen those muscles even more!  


I will touch on such topics on this Podcast series:

  • Pelvic health problems are nothing to be ashamed of, and you're not alone.
  • Anyone suffering from pelvic health issues can leave feeling more positive and optimistic because they know there is help available, giving the best treatment for their specific issues, and provide you with the support you need to get through it successfully. 
  • Normalizing pelvic health in our community by creating a safe space for women to talk about their bodies, get answers to their questions, and provide the tools they need to take care of themselves.
  • Are you dealing with negative emotions around your pelvic health? But what if we told you that there's a way to feel empowered about your body and take charge of your health?
  • The symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can be challenging and even embarrassing to talk about. But there's a community out there that understands what you're going through and is here for you.
  • Pelvic floor problems in women are a common source of pain and discomfort. They can also cause more severe symptoms, such as leaking urine, having trouble with bowel movements, and being unable to control your bowel movements.


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Free Pregnancy Safe Stretches 


Instagram: @empower.your.pelvis

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeuy5i7qjYsW6lqyh0JP9qw

Website: https://www.empoweryourpelvis.com/


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