Ep#40: Amanda's Birth Story Part 1

Are you a pregnant woman who is expecting a normal delivery? What if something goes wrong during the pregnancy and the baby needs to be delivered via c-section? What should you expect in that situation? What preparations do you need in order to make yourself at ease?


This week’s Empower Your Pelvis Podcast, Erica Magruder and Dr. Amanda Fisher will talk about the insights into C-sections, how to plan and prepare throughout the process, and what changes you need to prepare yourself for in order to cope with the post-surgery situations. 


We will touch on such topics as: 

  • 30% of women end up with c-sections. Give yourself time to process what it would be like to allow yourself to be at ease and less anxious.
  • C-sections are also lifesavers. There are times when a C-section is necessary and unavoidable, and in those cases we need to be prepared for what comes next.
  • Studies show that listening to music can help you deal with the pain of a c-section. Listening to music is also a good way to pass the time, which can help ease your anxiety about undergoing surgery.
  • You will be numb from your waist down to your legs for the next 24 hours.
  • You must have someone supportive by your side in order to help the baby.


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