Ep#35: What It’s Like Being Married To A Pelvic Health Physical Therapist with Brett Fisher

Choosing physical therapy as a career is very challenging because it is physically demanding. One of the biggest disadvantages of being a physical therapist is that you will be on your feet all day long, lifting heavy patients, and using a variety of muscles you didn't even know you had. But in your private life, how would your husband or wife understand what you do for a living?  

This week’s Empower Your Pelvis Podcast, Dr. Amanda Fisher, interviews her husband, Brett Fisher. They will be talking about what it is like to be married to a pelvic health physical therapist and how you can evolve in understanding their career path, which is very opposite to yours. 


 I will touch on such topics as:  

  • What it’s like to be the husband of a pelvic health physical therapist
  • Understanding what your partner does will help you have a better understanding of their career.
  • The evolution of accepting their career path will help you understand why they chose a unique career to help people.


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