Ep#34: What Nobody Ever Tells You About Pelvic Floor PT with Tiffani

When you experience pain and discomfort in your body, do you ignore it? Do you hide the symptoms of that pain with medications so that no one has to know? What if I tell you that those discomforts and pain aren’t normal, and you need to be treated by an expert who can help you enjoy your pain-free life?

This week’s Empower Your Pelvis Podcast, Dr. Amanda Fisher and Marin from the Empower Your Pelvis team will interview our guest, Tiffani. They will be talking about The importance of the pelvic floor in your body’s anatomy, and your overall health and well-being.  The more you learn about how this part of your body works, the better equipped you will be to take care of it—and yourself! 

They  will touch on such topics as:  

  • Your pelvic floor is a very important part of your body. It helps you perform everyday activities, like sitting, standing and even going to the bathroom. But when your pelvic floor starts experiencing discomfort or pain, it can be hard to enjoy life without experiencing those issues.
  • It's not normal to experience uncomfortable, inconvenient or pain in your pelvic floor, a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation may be able to help so you can enjoy your life without experiencing those pains.
  • Focusing on the pelvic floor can even help with your overall health and well being both mentally and emotionally.


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