Ep#32: How To Make Adjustments To Your Postpartum Routine with Sydney

Have you just been through pregnancy, delivered your baby and now overwhelmed with mixed emotions of the joys of motherhood? How will you create a balance between your daily care needs, your physical health, and your emotional wellbeing? 


This week’s Empower Your Pelvis Podcast, Dr. Amanda Fisher interviews our guest, Sydney. They will be talking about how to cope with postpartum after pregnancy and guide you on how to relax and look after your emotional wellbeing.


They  will touch on such topics as:  

  • Take time out for yourself every day. Take a few minutes each day to do something that helps you feel more relaxed and at home.
  • Rest when you need to. It’s hard to feel cheerful if you’re exhausted and uncomfortable, so make sure you take time to rest when you can. 
  • Ask for practical help from family or friends. 
  • Walking is good. But, there's a right amount of walking that will make you feel the best.


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